Fellow of the IAM (FIAM)

Fellow of the Institute of Asset Management (FIAM)
To become a Fellow of the Institute of Asset Management (FIAM), you must be a leader in the asset management community, making a positive contribution to promoting and developing the discipline. You must demonstrate experience in developing new entrants to the field, leadership and vision, promotion of the benefits of asset management, and furthering the objectives of the IAM.
You must meet all the following criteria:
- Have 10 years' senior responsibility (Leading Practitioner or higher) in three of the seven key roles defined in the IAM Competences Framework
- Have current superior responsibility as a Principal in two of the seven key roles defined in the IAM Competences Framework
- Have significant knowledge across the remaining five key roles where you are not currently working as a Principal
You will also be asked to participate in an interview, and you may be asked to provide a portfolio of supporting evidence.
All Fellow applications must also be supported by two proposers.
Select the images below to see just some of the Membership Benefits that are of interest to our Fellows.
To apply to become a Fellow (FIAM) of the IAM, please join as an associate member, then send a completed fellow application form to membership@theiam.org.
Your application will then be reviewed by the Membership Committee who will confirm the outcome of your application within four weeks.