Qualifications Recognition Program

The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) seeks to promote the adoption of asset management and good practices in asset management. Some of our enduring objectives are to promote capability and excellence in organizations and the knowledge and competence of individuals. We aim to provide structured programs to recognize these achievements.
As part of this strategy, the IAM provides endorsement of qualifications, training, and assessment providers. The endorsed programs recognize high-quality and reputable services delivered by knowledgeable professionals. Endorsement is given only to organizations and individuals operating to the highest standards of integrity so that individuals, organizations, and their stakeholders can have confidence in the competence and capability of the service they choose.
The endorsed programs are accessible all over the world.
What is the Qualifications Recognition Program?
The Qualification Recognition Program (QRP) supports individuals in their personal capability development in asset management. It recognizes academic asset management qualifications that offer asset management education to a level that is at least equivalent to either the IAM Certificate or Diploma. Under the QRP, students studying towards a recognized qualification will be awarded the appropriate IAM qualification on successfully completing the course.
Who is the Qualifications Recognition Program for?
The QRP is open to all academic institutions that offer asset management qualifications at the appropriate level. Recognized qualifications may be delivered through full-time study, part-time study, distance learning, or face-to-face teaching. Recognized qualifications may be delivered in any language and anywhere around the world.
How can a provider gain recognition for a course(s)?
Any academic institution offering an asset management qualification that they believe is equivalent to the IAM Certificate or Diploma should complete the QRP application form and send it to qrp@theiam.org.
What are the criteria for gaining recognition?
A course must meet the following criteria to become a recognized qualification:
- The provider must be accredited by a local quality assurance agency for higher education, e.g., Quality Assurance Agency, Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
- The provider must be a Corporate Member of the IAM.
- Course material must cover all areas of the syllabus for the relevant IAM qualification.
- Courses must include a method of assessing students’ knowledge and understanding. This may be an examination, portfolio submission, marked assignments, or a combination of methods.
How much does it cost to gain recognition?
There are three elements to the fee:
- Application Fee, £3000. This is payable when an application is made and before the assessment of an application commences. It covers the cost of reviewing and assessing the submitted evidence from the prospective provider. Where a provider wishes to submit more than one qualification for recognition, a separate application fee will be payable for each qualification.
- Renewal Fee, £2500. This is payable on renewal of QRP that will take place every four years.
- Per Student Fee, £100. This is payable by the provider for each student who successfully completes the qualification. This covers the cost of issuing an e-certificate and e-badge to the student to demonstrate that they have been awarded the appropriate IAM Qualification.
What types of courses can be recognized under the QRP?
Any course that covers asset management content equivalent to the IAM Certificate or Diploma can be recognized under the QRP, provided it meets the criteria listed above. It may be an undergraduate degree, a Masters degree, a short course on asset management, or any other course run by an academic institution.
Which courses are currently recognized under the QRP?
The courses currently recognized under the QRP are listed in the table below:
To learn more about the Qualifications Recognition Program, please contact QRP@theiam.org or call us at +44 (0) 1174 504 990.