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The IAM is the international professional body for whole life management of physical assets.

Individual or corporate, large or small, public, private, government, not-for-profit or academic, The Institute of Asset Management gives you the tools to progress on your asset management journey. Created for and owned by our members, find out how we operate and how we are supported, discover the minds and partnerships behind our work.

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What is Asset Management?

Assets are anything with actual or potential value to an organization. Asset Management is an organization's activity to realize value from its assets.

The IAM develops asset management knowledge and best practices and generates awareness of the benefits of the asset management discipline for individuals, organizations, and wider society.

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The Anatomy

We developed the Anatomy to provide an appreciation of asset management: what it is, what it can achieve, the scope of the discipline, and a description of the underlying concepts and philosophy. It also describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes that support it.

The Anatomy is part of an holistic set of knowledge resources provided by the IAM.

Asset management maturity and how it can be defined, scaled and recognized is a key knowledge resource for anyone on the asset management journey.
Asset management is increasingly recognized as an integrative discipline which can have a positive impact on the big global challenges and opportunities. Our hot topic groups are exploring and developing useful resources to support the asset management profession. 


Unlocking Value


Realizing value is at the heart of what asset management is all about. To showcase how asset management is being used to realize value for various stakeholder communities, the Institute of Asset Management partnered with ITN Business to produce a news-style program Unlocking Value. This programme includes case studies of the ways in which asset-owning and service-providing organizations are employing a variety of approaches and solutions to deliver real impact.


This program builds on the previous two ITN partnered programmes Planning for the Long Term and Why Outcomes Matter.

Discover Asset Management

The Big Picture

The Big Picture is a visual tool for starting conversations about asset management within your organisation as well as with customers, suppliers and wider stakeholders. The intention is not to provide a guide of how to ‘do’ asset management, but rather to capture what it feels like, depicting the cultural and technical barriers.

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